Encres Dubuit offers a reference P solid coated/uncoated guide for color matching: "Color Management System". The formulas have been studied in 140/150 thread/cm for UV inks, and in 120 thread/cm for solvent-based inks, all on a white substrate. The formulas provided in this guide are extrapolated from our colorimetric databases. This program is a help for formulation and requires adjustment from your side.
The amount of each of the constituents is given by weight (G / KG according to your choice). It is recommended to weigh the constituents in descending order (from the largest to the smallest) some colors containing very small amounts of one or more essential shades for final rendering.
In screen-printing and pad-printing, the shades obtained can vary greatly depending on parameters such as the choice of:
It is imperative to make a pre-test in real production conditions, you may have to slightly modify the proportions indicated, in order to optimize the results. We cannot be held responsible for all or part of the damage that occurs during production by the pure and simple application of the formulations. The colorimetric values presented in the "Color Converter" function follow the measurement conditions determined by Encres Dubuit and ISO 5631, illuminant D65 - observer 10° (D65/10°). For best results, please use the same measurement conditions.
Please note that our colorimetry department is at your disposal for any color matching requests you may have.
Please contact our Customer Service: info[@]encresdubuit.com